Important Livestock Show Information
Watch here for Important Updates regarding the 2024 Fair Season!
CLEAN UP DAY will be Tuesday, August 27. It will be after school until 8 pm. Special arrangements can be made after Sept 1 to get in to clean pens if needed. Call or text Jamie for info at 501-206-7301.
YOU MUST CLEAN YOUR PEN TO RESERVE YOUR PEN. If pens are marked and not cleaned, they will be used as unclaimed. FFA and 4H leaders may decide to open marked pens if pens are marked and not cleaned. Bring your own shavings and tools this year!
Poultry testing and check in will be at the gate during Check In
September 3 from 4 to 6 pm.
Poultry/Rabbit Judging will take place at 9am on Wednesday September 4. Poultry/Rabbit showmanship will follow!
Animals will be checked in Tuesday Sept 3 from 8 am to 6 pm and stay until Saturday evening at 8 pm. If other arrangements need to be made,
contact Jamie at 501 206 7301.
2024 Schedule of Events
Sept 3 Tuesday
**Cattle, hogs, goats and sheep
check in Tuesday after 8 am and before 6 pm. **
Poultry testing and check in will be Sept 3 from 4 pm to 6 pm
Poultry Showmanship will follow poultry judging Sept 4 at 9am.
Poultry Chain Chickens can be left for their sale day after speaking with Amy Heck.
Visit the office for your cage tags and to pay
entry fees for all animals.
Sept 4 Wednesday
Swine Weigh In from 10 am to 12 pm
Swine Show starts at 6pm!
1. Market Hogs
2. Commercial Gilts
3. Breeding Swine
4. Showmanship
**Check with Ag Teachers and 4H Leaders for correct times**
Sept 5 Thursday
Sheep and Goat Weight in will start at 10 am and be finished by 12 pm
Goat Show begins at 4 pm
followed by Sheep
1. Market Goats
2. Dairy Goats
3. Showmanship​
1. Market Lambs
2. Breeding Sheep
3. Commercial Ewes
4. Showmanship
**Check with your ag teacher or 4 H Leaders in case show times change!**
Awards and Buckles will be available at the awards show Saturday at 5pm!
Sept 6 Friday
Cattle Weigh in 10am to 12 pm
Dairy Cattle show starts at 4 pm
1. Breeding
2. Commercial
3. Market
4. Showmanship
Beef Cattle Show to follow Dairy Show
1. Breeding
2. Commercial
3. Market
4. Showmanship
Poultry Chain Auction Friday Sept 6 at 7 pm!
Bounce Houses for the Children!
8 pm McCarson Rodeo
Sept 7 Saturday
Livestock Auction at 10 am
All Around Showmanship begins at 12 pm
Awards show at 5 pm
in the Beef Barn!
Talent Show 7 pm at Pavilion
8 pm McCarson Rodeo
Bounce Houses for the children!